�You prolly think I started this series with "Kid"
(Nyssa) 'cause she's the cute one of the bunch. Well, you'd be close. Actually,
she's just the first in the numeric series of JPG's. You can see proud mother
"Goophie" (Sheila) holding the lil tyke up to the camera, and
of course Kid's smiling face on the right. I have two questions, tho. 1.
Why does she smile that way at mommy? Food? and 2. Knowing both mom and
dad, where DOES she get that adorable cuteness from? (Kidding, guyz.) |

�The left is the lair that you've all heard about; yes,
it's the basement computer lab, being modeled by Hawk (aka RuHawk, aka Luke).
On the right is Doc (Jason), giving me that "I'm gonna kill you"
look that we all know and love. |

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�On the left is my "Suave and debonair" look.
Okay okay, so it's my "scruffy and unkempt" look, but who can
tell the difference, anyway? I'm Toph, btw, and that's what people call
me. On the right striking yet another pose is my sister Michele in her abode. |
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Don't ask.� |
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